NZ Everyday Investor

What is Hatch?

Episode Summary

Hatch is an online investment platform that provides easy and affordable access for everyday New Zealanders looking to break into the US sharemarket.

Episode Notes

In today's episode I'm catching up with Kristen Lunmen and Natalie Ferguson from Hatch, an easy and affordable online platform that can help you invest in the US Sharemarket.

There's loads of innovation occuring in this space which is fantastic to see, as it serves a growing community of 'self-directed' DIY investors. This group is not currently being served up any financial advice but as this evolves, I wouldn't be surprised to see digital advice, digital platforms, and digital advisers all uniting as one. Kumbaya!

So, we’re talking today about a platform which makes it easy and reduces some of the friction associated with investing in the US Sharemarket – traditionally this hasn’t been easy to do.

If you’re into Tesla, Amazon, or Beyond Meat for example, and you wanted to own a slice of the action, then I’d encourage you to check out Hatch – at the very least, set up an account so you can look at the various companies you could invest in. If you feel you’re not 'smart enough' to play the game of investing but you’re really into a company, an industry, or some sort of trend – hey, growing smarts starts with feeding an interest!

Some cautions/disclaimers I'd like to state/make/reiterate:

So with all these disclaimers said, I'm pretty impressed with how Hatch has evolved over the 10 months now it's been around, and I'm excited about where things could go from here. If investing in the US share market is something you’re keen to explore, Hatch really does have a simple gateway. At the very least you're going to learn a lot!

Please sign up for free to Hatch here. If you do and you end up depositing some funds in your Hatch account, $20 will go towards the production of this podcast - thank you!


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NZ Everyday Investor is on a mission to increase financial literacy and make investing more accessible for the everyday person! 


Where to find Darcy Ungaro:

Ungaro &Co (registered) financial advisers

