Julian McCormack from Platinum Asset Management joins me in this deep dive to talk bubbles and active investing, all with a good dose of economic history.
Note: This recording was done 2 weeks prior to the worldwide equity markets pulling back and before the full extent of what Covid-19 has now become, was even known.
Julian McCormack from Platinum Asset Management joins me in this deep dive to talk bubbles and active investing, all with a good dose of economic history.
Today's episode requires a clear mind before you start listening - we often try to drop a few life-lines to explain things for those of us who are still learning, but this time you may need to pause, consult Mr Google, and continue listening. Don't let any of the jargon put you off here - this is a must listen!
Some questions we're exploring today:
Are we in a bubble?
What would it take to 'prick ' this bubble?
Some key 'take-aways'?
If you want to learn more about the types of funds that Platinum offer, please consult an authorised financial adviser.
Hope you've enjoyed this episode - if you have please write a review on your favourite podcast player and share this episode on your various facebook groups!
Where to find Darcy Ungaro:
Ungaro &Co (authorised) financial advisers
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